Friday, May 7, 2010

ten for ten

I am excited to announce that I have officially lost over 10 lbs! Following this "lifestyle change" hasn't been the easiest thing I've ever done, but it also hasn't been as difficult as I first thought it may be. Yes, when John and I go out to eat the waiter sits the bread or chips down in front of me, I want to bite his head off and say, "DON'T YOU KNOW THIS IS TORTURE!"

But, I think it's helping me to have to sit there and face said item and make the decision not to eat it. Just like with the ice cream cake last week. And the cupcakes this week. This is a choice.

And I have to say, while I do miss the crunch of chips and my morning half-a-bagel, I am feeling stellar. I occasionally stand up too fast and get a smidge dizzy, but I have yet to experience even the slightest of stomach aches and pains that used to plague my life daily. And that, my friends, is totally worth it.

The newest issue of BSCENE Magazine will hit the streets next week and I really couldn't be more excited. It is the first full issue in my new role as Production Manager, which I am loving. John doesn't even know who is on the cover or what the cover story is about -- it's that under wraps and totally amazing! Everyone grab the next issue, officially on the racks Wednesday!


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