Saturday, January 22, 2011

cinco nuevo

Considering that I grew up on, well, not-health food (frozen dinners and take-out were daily occurences), it continually surprises me that I enjoy cooking. In the last two days, I have made five new recipes!

Thursday night for dinner we started off with the best Spinach-Artichoke Dip I've honestly ever had. I served it up with raw zucchini and red bell peppers and we feasted. I also made these Maple Chicken Strips. The marinade was radically simple, but I much preferred them grilled, not baked as the recipe suggests.

John decided to go downtown for a show, so I tried my hand at a Zucchini Nut Bread recipe that I'd been eying. It's different really than anything I've had. John says he almost prefers it to the Pumpkin Cranberry, but ... that's a bold statement in my book.

Hot off my success from Thursday and knowing I didn't need to mope around all evening alone while John was in Houston, I found this recipe for Earl Grey & Chocolate Pots de Creme and knew I had to try it. I've made it a goal to venture out and try new, more complex recipes. Seeing as this involved baking in ramekins in a pan filled with boiling water - I thought that was a good place to start. Unfamiliar processes. Turns out, the prep was so miraculously easy that it really surprised me. And the pouring of boiling water into the pan wasn't as terrifying as it seems. I put the pan in the oven first, pulled out the rack a bit and poured straight in.

This recipe just called for egg yolks. Rather than breaking them over the sink and discarding the whites, I used two separate bowls. I didn't realize this would be a good thing until I was just about to pour out the egg whites when, WAIT! There are other recipes that call for egg whites. So I found this recipe, luckily had everything on-hand and thus made a double batch of Chocolate-Coconut Haystacks. Yum!

Note to self: Find camera charger and start taking pictures. Just linking to boring recipes is really no fun...

Note to readers: I've just discovered that several of these recipes are also gluten-free. But for those that aren't on any dietary restrictions, just because these recipes are from Atkins and are 'low-carb' or 'gluten-free' doesn't mean you can't enjoy them, too! Take the concept and serve with pasta or on a sandwich. There really are endless options.


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